Raven |
I'd like to introduce a social media account whose owner has been learning about the teachings of Homestead Heritage and sharing his thoughts. I haven't been posting as regularly as I used to or would like to, so I recommend following Raven for more frequent updates and information on Homestead's teachings. He gave me permission to share his introduction from a Facebook post.
Hello everyone! To give a more detailed explanation of why I made this page. I came back on Facebook for unexpected and disturbing reasons. It may be a long story, but this is something that is weighing on me greatly.
I have recently started the YouTube channel called Chained Ambassador. I am using it to expose a community located in Waco, TX called Homestead Heritage.
I had several friends join it recently, and I started looking at its site. Certain things made me concerned. So, I tried to read beyond their site and watch their YouTube videos to figure out what they taught. The deeper I dug the more disturbing things got.
Once looking closely enough, I found their teachings and saw they are way off track. They take many common words and use them in very twisted ways. Seeing what their words meant and looking at their past, I found it was a cult, and several of the friends who went there realized it after the fact and soon left Homestead.
Looking for outside sources, each one I could find was a rare past news article about sexual abuse. I found that no one was speaking of their teachings. What times HH was spoken of more recently, it was because of fairs and other public activities they had there. Nothing would speak of their teachings. This has given them a "good" reputation on the surface.
I asked more and more sites, channels, etc. if they could give me information. Few knew about Homestead Heritage, and those that did knew next to nothing. But there was one exception of a blog by a former member, and they have been a major help.
I also did more of my own research. Seeing their focus is on churches. With how many testimonies I've heard of them dividing churches, I had to start my channel last summer/late spring to warn of what they were hiding. I have since been contacted by many former members confirming my concerns and suspicions. I have also been rebuked by several current supporters of HH with nothing but spite. And, after about a year, I have still found few other places that know about them.
Wanting to spread word to warn more people, particularly because of how they grow by dividing churches, I have come back to Facebook to have a page here to keep people up to date on what is happening and what I find. I have been hesitant, because I still have a few friends who have not turned away from HH and I know this will not make things comfortable. But I can't stay silent.
This page is where I will keep updates for new videos. My currently newest is one of the most important showing the biggest lies of HH. I am hoping this will help make more aware. Facebook
I want to thank Raven for the work he's invested in reading and sharing about Homestead's Confession for Baptism and Communion in his previous videos and for his excellent discernment in giving succinct descriptions of many pages of Homestead literature.
It's the news towards the end of this video that has garnered attention and concern from many. It involves the possible inclusion of a registered sex offender back into the community on some level.
- The sex offender should continue to deal with his shame. He/she doesn't get a pass because "Jesus paid it all." Yes, the offender can be saved if he is truly repentant. But he must never be allowed to forget how his actions can profoundly affect the lives of those he molested, is molesting or might molest in the future.
- Do you want to know how serious the repentance of a sex offender might be? Tell him/her that the church members need to be alerted to his presence in the church. If he truly understands his psychiatric disorder, he should agree. Doesn't he want to prevent more kids from being hurt? In fact, perhaps his picture should be hung up in the church outside of the children's center and the pastors' offices to remind everyone what COULD happen. Source [Emphasis added]
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