
Friday, January 10, 2020

Another Homestead-Grown Sex Offender

Just because the media hasn't reported on it doesn't mean there aren't any more sex offenders at Homestead Heritage. 

It would appear that home-birthing your children, homeschooling your children, training them by use of corporal punishment,  taking them to church three times a week, teaching them crafts and agricultural skills, and all in the environment of a "Christian" community, is no guarantee that you won't raise a child molester. Of course, we already knew that despite their pulpit proclamations to "have the answers to what this world needs."

Ethan Tindell is on the Sex Offender Registry for Aggravated Sexual Assault of a five-year-old girl.  A five-year-old! Let that sink in the next time you consider visiting those "nice people" and supporting them with your patronage. 

Sex Offender Registry

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