
Wednesday, May 25, 2016

An Association

Jared Wayman and Homestead Heritage in 

Kimbolton, New Zealand

Homestead Heritage has a small community in Kimbolton, New Zealand headed by a man named Jared Wayman. Jared submits to the leadership of Asahel Adams who is the son of Homestead Heritage founder, Blair Adams. Jared was heard saying he "accepts everything that comes down from Homestead Heritage without question." 

The group consists of about five families who moved to Kimbolton after they weren't very well received in the South. They have been "working together to takeover and upgrade Hansen's Cafe & Store." (Source

Be aware that the same doctrines and practices at Homestead Heritage in Waco, TX will be practiced by this group in Kimbolton, New Zealand. 

1 comment :

  1. The Christian kiwi folks look to be coming to the Fair, en route today.(Simple conjectural conclusion based on their closing shop to fly from Auckland.)

    May the Lord Jesus bless their travels and time, and give them excellent discernment. Most especially on fundamental and foundational matters like the identity and purity and preservation and perfection of the Bible. And God's revealed name in the Tanach (Old Testament) and to what entity worship is given. May they be sensitive to where Christian moorings can be shaken, and where paganisms can creep inside an ostensibly Christian environment.

    May they be especially attuned within prayer and worship times, moments where rubber does meet the road. And may they have wisdom and discernment to work through the literature to see the salient elements.

    Remember, Homestead Heritage essentially invites:

    "openly contesting our actual beliefs on intellectual or religious grounds" - Response to Criticism

    Granted, this is something that they have stumbled upon in putting into practice. However, the invite is there.

    Newer affiliations who see the excellent elements of Homestead Heritage on community and sustainable living, (the outgrowth and momentum from the days of purity in New York and New Jersey, unto Colorado, in the 1970s and early 1980s) are in just about the very best position to really examine and question the Homestead Heritage foundation and present-day doctrines and praxis. And to use the plumb line of faith, the pure and perfect Holy Bible. If they seek in sincerity, they may be surprised how God really tells them to turn.

    Lord Jesus, touch the hearts of the kiwi crew, and really help them to seek discernment and wisdom. To see through any facades and handwaves. To separate the real issues form the pseudo-issues and non-issues. May they delve past the outer visible elements and sense the underlying spiritual currents.

    Colossians 3:17 (AV)
    And whatsoever ye do in word or deed,
    do all in the name of the Lord Jesus,
    giving thanks to God and the Father by him

    In Jesus name.
    Steven Spencer

    They could compare the literature with external presentation and note anomalies in the prayer rooms. They really have an accountability before God to make the best moves for themselves, and others who might follow their example.


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